Recycling Awareness Survey

The Sustainable Cities Sustainable Future (SCSF) project is committed to developing an innovative waste management and donation system across partner countries. The initiative focuses on promoting zero waste and charitable donations by creating a waste management and donation center. The SCSF project aims to create a robust system and comprehensive documentation for waste sorting, equipping partner organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify and support those in need.

By supporting the circular economy in Europe, this project promotes the effective use of resources, benefits the community through donations, and engages over 400 beneficiaries in becoming more waste-conscious.

This questionnaire is part of the SCSF project’s efforts to understand current knowledge and practices surrounding recycling.

Thank you for your participation!

1.1 -   Age  *
1.2 - Gender   *
1.3 - Education Level   *
1.4 - Employment Status   *
2.1  What do you know about the process of recycling glass?  
2.2  Do you recycle glass products at home?
2.3   What types of plastic products can be recycled?  
2.4 How often do you recycle plastic products?  
2.5  What happens to paper products after they are recycled?
2.6 Do you feel that recycling paper is important?  
We appreciate your support to the Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Future (SCSF). 

Together, we are making a positive impact. Thank you for being part of this journey!  
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