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Digital Project Management for Research Teams
What steps can you take at the start of a data-focused research project to keep your team organized? Or to make it easier for new team members to join the work? Or to return to a project after some time away without retracing your steps?

Research faculty (both junior and senior) are invited to this workshop on strategies for digital project management for research teams. Whether you have just one research assistant or a team of grad students and postdocs, there are fundamental moves you can make when managing projects to increase efficiency, accuracy, and replicability of your work. Learn about developing research plans, organizing and naming files, and more.

This workshop will be led by Bianca Manago, assistant professor of sociology. Professor Manago’s research examines inequality. She also studies statistical and methodological approaches to social science research.

Sponsor: Digital Commons, Data Science Institute
Facilitator: Bianca Manago, assistant professor of sociology
Date and Time: Monday, February 21st, 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Location: Zoom
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