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Hill's Webinar Series
Thank you for attending our webinar! RACE is now partnering with CE broker to provide electronic CE tracking services (and automatic reporting to your state board in select states). In order to remain compliant with new guidelines mandated by both RACE and AAVSB (these are RACE changes, NOT Hill's changes), we are now required to register all attendees for our webinars with CE Broker. Please follow the directions to fill out this form so we can ensure your CE credit is properly registered with RACE/AAVSB.

If you have not done so, please register at in order to track and view your CE.  For any questions regarding your CE broker account, you may them directly at 877-434-6323 or  If your CE credits for this event do not appear on your account within 2 weeks of the live event date please contact for assistance.

For any questions or concerns regarding this presentation, please contact
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Please provide Vet License # in your PRIMARY state of licensure. (RACE is now requiring this-- it's not a Hill's request but a RACE requirement). Please make sure you include ALL alphabetical and numeric components of your license number (for example, if your license number is "Vet.9999" DO NOT just write "9999" in the answer box).  *** We will submit your RACE credits to RACE for you and CE will be automatically applied to any additional state licensures under your name.  Please register at in order to track and view your CE.  For further questions, please contact CE Broker directly: 877-434-6323 or  Thank you for your understanding. If you are unlicensed, please put "N/A" and speak with your Hill's representative about having a certificate made. *
Please select the appropriate State Postal abbreviation for your state for your state of primary licensure (I.e. If you provided a California license number, you would select State = Ca). *
Please select the appropriate profession code: V = Veterinarian, VT = Veterinary technicians (RVT, CVT, LVT, etc.). If you do not fit either of the above groups, please select Profession = N/A *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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