2015 CSSA-MSU ”非诚勿扰“男女嘉宾报名
2015 CSSA-MSU "If you are the One" Application Form
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关于我们– About Us
The Chinese Student and Scholar Association of Michigan State University (CSSA-MSU) aims at helping Chinese students and scholars adapt to living in America and providing a platform of social network. Events including new students welcome fair, New Year Temple Fair, Entertainment Events, Study life Seminar and Social Services are organized by us on a regular basis.

请前往 www.cssamsu.com 或搜索微信平台 cssamsu 了解更多相关信息
Please visit www.cssamsu.com for further information.
This form is for guests who are interested in coming to the dating show "If You Are the One" hosted by CSSA. Please note that this show means to help not only Chinese, but also people from various countries, to find a partner, however,  we expect guests to understand Chinese.

Please fill in your information carefully, as we will contact you soon for more detailed information.
你的报名信息仅会被用于本次活动。Your information will be only used for this activity.

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