TERMS! this one's important, pls read it carefully! if you have any specific questions, pls reach out by twitter dm.
upon completion of this form, i will reach out to you by your preferred method of contact (if i haven't done so within three days days of you filling out the form, doublecheck it went through and then hassle me via twitter, i promise i won't mind i am just audhd), either to discuss any questions i may have or present a watermarked photo of a rough sketch of your commission! at that point, you get to tell me if you want any changes-- make sure you do this here, because once i invoice you no more changes will be made! here is where you can let me know if you do or do not want me to post this commission to my social media upon its completion, with or without you tagged as the commissioner! let me know if you prefer i don't post it at all, or if you prefer i post it as "anonymous" if you don't want to be known. :> if all is well, i will send you a paypal invoice! no further work will be done and no files exchanged until this invoice is paid in full! no changes will be made to the work once invoicing has taken place. you have 14 days from date of invoice to pay the amount in full. you can pay in segments if the amount is over $50, just let me know ahead of time, please!
buyer assumes responsibility of all paypal fees! i will notify you of the final cost of your commission and run that number through the 2024 paypal fee calculator on onlinefeecalculator.com and add a fee based on the amount calculated for me to receive the full amount of your commission (this is the option on the right of the calculator, for those familiar). a screencap of this calculation can be provided if desired!
commissioner may not alter artwork in any way, including lining or coloring of a sketch or lined work without express permission from me. use of commissioned artwork as social media headers or icons is OK! credit somewhere in a bio is appreciated, but not required. please do not post my work to your social media! if desired (or not, you can specify), i will post the work to my own twitter (and... eventually instagram when i make a hellaverse one-- again, i am audhd) and you are welcome to RT/QRT etc as desired.
tips are never required but always appreciated!
any questions can be directed to @iaminitis on twitter! thank you so much for commissioning me. :)