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Use this form to book Saturday Morning Cricket Academy, January 2025, at Town Close School Sports Hall

Our Lead coach will be Mr. Neil Taylor, Cricket Coach at Town Close School.

Players of all abilities will have the opportunity to improve their technical skills in a fun environment. No experience needed. Pupils in Years 1 & 2 will play with softball cricket equipment which will be provided. Older pupils wishing to play hardball cricket will require their own kit, but it’s not essential. Please bring a drink and indoor shoes. Wear training kit.

10 sessions on Saturday mornings:

11th Jan, 18th Jan, 25th Jan, 1st Feb & 8th Feb, 

Half term

1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, & 29th March

Dates may alter if the sports hall availability changes

Group A: 1hr from 9am - 10am for Year 1 & Year 2 = £140

Group B: 1.5hrs from 10am - 11.30am for Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 = £210

Group C: 1.5hrs from 11.30am - 1pm for Year 6, Year 7 & Year 8 = £210

Use bank details below to pay online please. (There is no payment button). Your booking will be confirmed by email when payment is received.

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Parent / Guardian Email Address *
Player's full name
Date of Birth
School Year Group 
Select which group *
Please list any medical issues or allergies the cricket coaches should be aware of:
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Number
Second Emergency Contact Name
Second Emergency Contact Number
Would you like to be contacted about other cricket coaching opportunities with Neil Taylor, such as One to One Sessions? Your contact details will not be given to any other agencies.
Online Payment Details (there is no payment button so please make a note of these account details before submitting this form)
Cost is £140 for Group A; £210 for Groups B & C.
Account name: Taylor Made Cricket and Hockey Ltd.
NatWest Account Number: 15002497
Sort Code: 60-24-52
Please use Player’s Name as reference
The booking will be confirmed by email
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