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ELY Survey
A survey to help us know you better and tailor our expansion in a way that will suit you best! Please take 10-15 minutes with this. Answer openly, honestly and only what you feel comfortable answering!  Thankyou so much!
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Do you feel like you're managing your wellness and career balance well, or is it a struggle lately?

How often do you make time for mindfulness (yoga, meditation, breathwork) each week?

Which area of your well-being feels like it needs more attention right now? check all that apply

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What types of content would best support your well-being? (Select all that apply)

Are you currently satisfied with how you handle stress, or could you use more support?

What’s the biggest challenge you face in balancing your own self-care with your career?

Which of these makes self-care difficult for you?

Do you feel connected to your mind, body, and soul in your current wellness routine?

What would help you feel more empowered to prioritize your wellness?
Would 1-1 coaching and clarity sessions  be of interest to you ?
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Last one ! We want to know ... What your dream day looks like... From start to finish. Have fun and let yourself think big, free and adventurous thoughts. Thankyou so much for your time <3
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