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Abstract Submittal: Connecting Communities and Ecosystems in Restoration Practice
We are now accepting abstracts for talks and posters to be considered for inclusion in our October 2018 conference on "Connecting Communities and Ecosystems in Restoration Practice." UPDATE: The deadline has passed for submitting an abstract for talks. We will continue to accept abstracts for posters until September 15, 2018.

This meeting is co-hosted by the Society for Ecological Restoration (New England + Mid-Atlantic chapters), Save the Sound / Connecticut Fund for the Environment, Southern Connecticut State University, Common Ground High School, and Yale University's Urban Resources Initiative.
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Conference Description
At this conference, we will highlight innovative projects and thinking that focuses on connecting communities---which can include humans or other living things---within and across ecosystems. The conference will be held in urban New Haven, a designated Environmental Justice community set within an ecologically essential coastal matrix. The vibrant network of organizations in this region have supported numerous upland and aquatic restoration projects that will also be featured.

Selected talks will be delivered during concurrent sessions on Friday, October 12, 2018. Each oral presenter will have approximately 20 minutes, including 15 minutes for a talk and 5 minutes for questions. The selected posters will be displayed and presented during a “Poster Pub,” to be held early Friday evening.

Abstracts for talks are due August 3, 2018.

Poster abstracts may be submitted until September 15. For more information on the conference, see: If you have questions about an abstract or the conference program, please contact
Last Name *
First Name *
Your title
Your status
Your Organization *
Abstract is for a: *
(check one, or both if no preference) UPDATE: abstracts are currently being considered only for posters.
Talk or poster title *
Paste your abstract here (maximum 2000 characters). *
Check spelling before submitting this form. Do not include author names or affiliations here; provide that below.
Do you have a preferred session (for talks only)? Choose one from the list.
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Paste your bio, including name and affiliation, here. *
If you are co-presenting: Paste the bio of the 2nd presenter, including name and affiliation, here (1000 character max).
Your telephone number
Your street address
List all authors below, with the lead author first. List given name followed by last name. *
Example: Firstname1 Lastname1, Affiliation1; Firstname2 Lastname2, Affiliation2; Firstname3 Lastname3, Affiliation3; (etc.)
Would you be willing to chair a break-out session at the conference, briefly introducing speakers and making sure everyone keeps to the schedule during that session?
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Would you be willing to be a judge of talks by students?
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If your abstract is accepted and you decide to participate, you will need to register and pay the registration fee by the deadline. If you find you are unable to attend after you are registered, you agree to find a replacement speaker to cover your presentation. *
Enter your initials to acknowledge.
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