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(Marin Water Event Sign Up 2022)
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Marin Water! RSVPs are not required unless specifically noted - if you just want to show up, please do and BE ON TIME! However, it is helpful to sign up here so we can keep in contact with you in case anything changes.

Our habitat restoration events usually occur on Saturdays from 9 AM to 12 PM. Meet at Lake Lagunitas parking lot:

Gloves, tools, and parking passes will be provided for all volunteers. No water or food will be provided. Heavy rain may lead to the event being canceled.

If you are signing up as a group, please just fill out one form and include the names and ages (if under 18) of everyone in your party.

If you have not volunteered with Marin Water before, please fill out our online volunteer permission slip form:

Marin Water follows all current COVID safety protocols. Volunteers will receive sanitized tools and gloves; no tools will be shared. Staff will emphasize what a minimum distance of six feet looks like and why social distancing is important to maintain throughout the program. Volunteers must bring their own water and food. Masks are encouraged outdoors when gathering with other people.
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Name or Names of those in your Group (please include age if under 18) *
Event Dates *
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