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Rylie's Rescue Foster Application
Please complete the form below. Incomplete information will delay the processing of your foster application. This application is not a guarantee of any dog's placement. Reference checks and home visits are required before any application is completed. Rylie's Rescue reserves the right to determine which applicant will provide the best foster home environment for the dog(s).
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Are you interested in fostering a particular dog? If so, which one? *
Primary Foster Full Name *
Email Address *
Address (Street Address, City, State & Zip Code) *
Phone number *
What is your Facebook Name (So we can message you with questions/info)? *
What is the age of the Primary Foster (Must be 25+)? *
What is primary foster's occupation? *
What is the typical work schedule of the primary foster? *
What is the number of hourse the foster dog will be left alone? *
Where will the foster dog be kept during the day? *
Do you own or rent your home? *
If you rent, please provide your landlord's name and phone number. *
What type of home do you live in? *
Do you have a fenced in yard? Approximately what size and fencing type? *
Are there currently any pets in your home? If yes, please provide ALL of the following: Species, Breed(s), Name(s) and Age(s) of all current pets. *
Are your current pets spayed/neutered? *
Are your current pets up to date on vaccinations? *
Do you keep your current pet(s) and did you keep any previous pets on heartworm and flea/tick preventatives? *
Do you have any restrictions at your residence (only certain breeds, sizes, etc.? *
Have you ever surrendered a pet? if so, please explain.  *
Is there a second adult who would also care for the foster? *
What is the email address of the second adult?
What is the age of the second adult?
What is the second adult's phone number?
What is the second adult's Facebook name? 
What is the occupation of the second adult?
What is the typical work schedule of the second adult?
How many adults live at your residence? *
Do any children live at your residence? If so, please provide ages. *
Does anyone in the home have allergies to dogs? *
Have you previously had other pets?  If yes, please provide ALL of the following: Species, Breed(s), Name(s) and Age(s) of all previous pets. *
Please explain what happened to your previous pets. *
Have you ever taken a pet to obedience classes or used a trainer? *
Please provide TWO (2) non-family references and their phone numbers. *
Please provide the name and number of your current or previous veterinarians. 

Please contact your vet to give us permission to discuss your pet's vet history. 
*If you do not contact them to give us permission beforehand, you will not be considered for fostering.
Have you ever fostered before? If so, please provide rescue group name. *
What type of foster program are you interested in? (Please check all that apply) *
What is the age range and size dog you would be interested in fostering? (Check all that apply) *
When are you available to start fostering *
Are there any breeds you would NOT be interested in fostering? *
Do you need to borrow a crate for your foster dog? *
Is it possible that you will want to adopt your foster dog? *
How did you hear about us? *
By checking this box, I agree that I have never been charged with or convicted of animal neglect or cruelty. *
By checking this box, I further understand that if it is determined that I have misrepresented any information in any way, inadvertently or deliberately, Rylie's Rescue has the right to refuse me to foster an animal or seize any foster animals I have, and I will relinquish these animals to Rylie's Rescue. *
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