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2022 Glen T. Yoshimoto Memorial Scholarship Application
Awarded to a Special Educator dedicated to improving the lives of children with dyslexia.
Email *
Name *
Phone Number--to inform winners *
Address (city, state, zip) *
I am applying for a scholarship to attend the virtual conference entitled: The Science of Reading & The Road to Educational Recovery.                                                                         *
Are you a member of IDA?    *Scholarship award not contingent on IDA membership. *
Would you like to join our mailing list? *
Please let us know of your interest in this scholarship  by answering the following questions.
1. In what school district or school are you currently employed?  What are the ages of the students you work with? *
2. What is your background in teaching, and how long have you worked with students with dyslexia and/or language-based learning disabilities?  Do you hold any professional certifications that pertain to the instruction of students with dyslexia? *
3. What inspired you to choose such work? What is your philosophy and motivation for working with students who are struggling readers? *
4. How do you see yourself using the knowledge you will gain at this conference?  How do you plan to share information learned at this conference with your colleagues? *
5. Is there any additional information that would benefit the scholarship committee when considering your application? *
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