Understanding charity donations
Before we begin, please read the following and indicate whether you consent to participate in this survey.

Purpose of the Study:  The aim of the study is to better understand how people choose between different charities.

Participation:  Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. If you choose to participate, you may later withdraw without finishing the survey without penalty or consequence of any kind, other than forfeiting the pay you would receive via Amazon mTurk for completing the survey.

Potential Risks and Discomforts:  There are no risks to taking this survey that are currently foreseeable.    

Anticipated Benefits to Subjects and Society:  There are no direct benefits to you from taking this survey, other than the payment you will receive via mTurk for successful completion of the survey.

Payment for Participation: You will receive $0.50 (US) for completing all questions in this survey successfully.    

Privacy and Confidentiality:  Your participation in the study will remain confidential. No information that could identify you personally will be available to the researchers analysing your response to this survey.

Researchers:  This study is being conducted by Tom Wein, an independent research consultant.
Are you willing to take part? *
Demographic questions
What is your age? *
Your answer
What is your gender? *
Approximately how much is your household income in US dollars (to the nearest $10,000)? *
Your answer
In US dollars, approximately how much have you given to charitable causes in the last 12 months? *
Your answer
What is the last digit of your phone number? (We're just using this to decide which questions to show you next). *
Donating to charities (T0)
We are going to describe a charity that gives food aid to people who have been forced to flee from war.
To do this, the charity employs people to record the ID numbers of those who have fled. They assign vouchers that people can use to buy food to each ID number. They receive a message on their phone telling them when the new voucher is available.
How respectful is the charity of the people it is giving aid to? *
Very disrespectful
Very respectful
How much would you consider donating to this charity? (in US dollars) *
Your answer
Respectfulness (T0)
The charity wants to make sure it is being respectful. They are thinking of launching an initiative to be more respectful.
At the moment, the charity provides aid to 5000 people. They will be able to be more respectful of all those people.
Should the charity launch this initiative? *
If the charity launched this initiative, how much would you consider donating to this charity? (in US dollars) *
Your answer
Donating to charities (T1-I)
We are going to describe a charity that gives food aid to people who have been forced to flee from war.
To do this, the charity employs people to record the names and ID numbers of those who have fled. They assign vouchers that people can use to buy food to each ID number. They receive a message on their phone addressing them by name, telling them when the new voucher is available.
How respectful is the charity of the people it is giving aid to? *
Very disrespectful
Very respectful
How much would you consider donating to this charity? (in US dollars) *
Your answer
Respectfulness (T1)
The charity wants to make sure it is being respectful. They are thinking of launching an initiative to be more respectful.
At the moment, the charity provides aid to 5000 people. The initiative will cost some money. They will be able to be more respectful, but they will only be able to provide aid to 4500 people.
Should the charity launch this initiative? *
If the charity launched this initiative, how much would you consider donating to this charity? (in US dollars) *
Your answer
Donating to charities (T2-A)
We are going to describe a charity that gives food aid to people who have been forced to flee from war.
To do this, the charity employs people to record the ID numbers of those who have fled. They assign vouchers that people can choose to use to buy food or anything else to each ID number. They receive a message on their phone telling them when the new voucher is available.
How respectful is the charity of the people it is giving aid to? *
Very disrespectful
Very respectful
How much would you consider donating to this charity? (in US dollars) *
Your answer
Respectfulness (T2)
The charity wants to make sure it is being respectful. They are thinking of launching an initiative to be more respectful.
At the moment, the charity provides aid to 5000 people. The initiative will cost some money. They will be able to be more respectful, but they will only be able to provide aid to 4750 people.
Should the charity launch this initiative? *
If the charity launched this initiative, how much would you consider donating to this charity? (in US dollars) *
Your answer
Donating to charities (T3-E)
We are going to describe a charity that gives food aid to people who have been forced to flee from war.
To do this, the charity employs people to record the ID numbers of those who have fled. They take care to employ people who have similar backgrounds to the people they are serving. They assign vouchers that people can use to buy food to each ID number. They receive a message on their phone telling them when the new voucher is available.
How respectful is the charity of the people it is giving aid to? *
Very disrespectful
Very respectful
How much would you consider donating to this charity? (in US dollars) *
Your answer
Respectfulness (T3)
The charity wants to make sure it is being respectful. They are thinking of launching an initiative to be more respectful.
At the moment, the charity provides aid to 5000 people. The initiative will cost some money. They will be able to be more respectful, but they will only be able to provide aid to 4990 people.
Should the charity launch this initiative? *
If the charity launched this initiative, how much would you consider donating to this charity? (in US dollars) *
Your answer
Final question
Which of the following statements about the charity is **NOT true**? *
Please open the following link in a new tab (right click to open in new tab). Enter the number you see into the box below.

***Save this number and enter this number in mTurk***

It is critical that you enter the number exactly in both places in order to receive compensation for this survey.  

What is the number from the link above? *
Your answer
Thank you for your time
Any final thoughts on the survey?
Your answer
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