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The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses Nomination Form
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Please List the first and last name of the nurse you are nominating for this award.  *
What Baptist Health location does the nurse work at?      (Choose from the list below)  *
Unit and/or Room Number, where care was provided by this nurse:

Please describe a specific situation or story that clearly demonstrates how this nurse made a meaningful difference in your care. (See example story below )

Note:    _____________________________________________   

If using a mobile device to enter this E-Nomination you can easily enter your story by selecting the microphone button on your device and dictating your story instead of typing.* 


Example Story:

"Our 76 year old mother was a patient for 2 weeks in the ICU at North Little Rock. Mom was on a roller coaster, we never knew what to expect. As a healthcare professional myself I'm used to seeing patients in a hospital environment, but I was not prepared for my mother to be the patient, so everything was new and frightening to us as we watched her struggle to live. Through it all, Kristal were there, working tirelessly, diligently, helping and patiently explaining medical jargon to her. Kristal patiently explained things to us, sometimes more than once, until we got it. Of utmost importance to her was Mom's comfort. Kristal was also concerned-expressed repeatedly-about each of us, Mom's family, as we went through our own emotional and exhausting roller coaster rides. Kristal brought in some ice water and tissues as the family was praying over mom. We looked forward to when she would be back on shift. You could tell that she cared deeply for mom! We told here she was our adopted family! Everyday Kristal's knowledge and skills were evident. Such as, for one tiny example, the day the O2 saturation was dropping, chest tubes were in and Kristal analyzed the best position to put mom into with those tubes in order to maximize O2 saturation. It worked!!! I know we were a handful at times... but they never made us feel that way at all. She is an outstanding nurse that devoted her skilled passion to our mother's well being - and this made a huge impression on my family! Kristal- thank you for being so compassionate to mom! I will never forget!
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