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Apprenticeship Application 
Thank you for choosing LAT Apprenticeships as your training provider. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to becoming an apprentice. Please take the time to carefully complete this application. Your answers will be used to inform the employer of your suitability for the vacancy. 

Please click this link for some top tips on what to include.

If you experience any issues when completing the form, please contact us: 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address: *
Phone number: *
Apprenticeship Standard you are applying for/interested in (please tick all that apply) *
Which company/vacancy have you applied for? (please give the name of the employer) *
What interests you in applying for this position? *
Have you completed an apprenticeship before?
What do you know about apprenticeships and how they work? *
Which skills/qualities do you feel you have that would make you great for this role? (Please provide a detailed answer as this information will be shared with the employer)  *
Think back to a time where you have been in a stressful situation or struggled with a task and tell us how you coped/would cope with this: *
How would you commute? (Please consider the cost of your travel to and from your place of work) *
How long would this journey take? (If you are unsure, please research) *
In case other opportunities arise, how long would you be willing to travel?
If you were successful in this apprenticeship, where would you like for it to lead you? *
What do you know about the company you have applied for and what would you enjoy most about working for them? (Please refer this to the employer/company, not LAT Apprenticeships) *
Have you lived solely in the UK for the past 3 years? (This information is required to meet eligibility criteria) *
What GCSE grades have you achieved in English? (Proof of grades will be required if not already received) *
What GCSE grade have you achieved in Maths? (Proof of grades will be required if not received already)
Would you be happy to be added to our database and for your details to be shared with other organisations for future vacancy opportunities? *
Would you be looking for term-time only positions, full-time, or both? *
Are you currently working? If so, where do you work and how long is your notice period? *
Please list any dates you are not available for an interview:
Where did you discover this vacancy?
Do you have any questions that you would like to discuss with us?
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