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Nova Pioneer RSVP
We are looking forward to meeting you and your family! Join us so that we can share what makes Nova Pioneer a school for innovators and leaders. Please ensure you bring your child along too as we will be conducting assessments.

Open Day: Saturday, 15 March
Join us for an exciting day of exploration and adventure as we showcase our innovative approach to education at Nova Pioneer. Meet our team, tour our facilities, while we take the opportunity to get to know your child and do a grade readiness assessment.

Campus Experience: Wednesday, 19 February 
Join us to see the campus in action on selected Wednesday mornings from 08:00. You'll get to experience our innovative approach to education at Nova Pioneer and discover how we can help your child reach their full potential as a leader and innovator in their community and the world. While you spend time with us, your child will have the opportunity to write a grade readiness assessment.

Private tour and assessment
If our next event is too long to wait, you can request a private tour and assessment, conducted by appointment with the admissions team. Please select the "Other" option and indicate your preferred date and time and our team will get back to you to confirm availability.
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