AP Political Test
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1. The present number of countries and territories in the world is approximately: *
2. The promotion of the acquisition of wealth through plunder, colonization, and the protection of home industries and foreign markets during Europe’s rebirth was called *
3. The conflict in Kashmir is mostly between which two countries *
4. Which group of people live in the Gaza Strip? *
5. Cyprus is split between *
6. Kurdistan currently exists mainly within which states? *
7. What is the ETA-M? *
8. What is a main reason why China would want to become unified with Taiwan? *
9. Which of the following is either believed to have or are actively developing nuclear weapons? *
10. The European Union's future expansion into the Muslim realm by the inclusion of ____________ is highly controversial and strongly opposed by Greece *
11. As of 2014, which major European Union nation has not entered the Euro Monetary Zone? *
12. The first major experiment in regional supranationalism was undertaken in Europe before World War II and involved the three countries *
13. The League of Nations was created in 1919 as the first international organization that would include all nations of the world.  Its success was dealt a serious blow by the failure of what country to join? *
14. Technically supranationalism refers to efforts by ______ or more states to forge associations for common advantage and in pursuit of common goals. *
15. Following the disintegration of the former Soviet Union the only surviving superpower was *
16. In 1943 Mackinder wrote about his concerns over the potential of Stalin’s control of the countries of Eastern Europe.  His views led to the development of the United States’s containment policy and to the establishment of *
17. Geometric boundaries, totally unrelated to any aspects of the cultural or physical landscape, were made considerable use of by the colonial powers in *
18. The boundary between the United States and Canada west of the Great Lakes is an example of a(n) *
19. A boundary between countries is a *
20. The process of adjustment of the number of representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives to reflect shifts in population patterns is known as *
21. Distance, remoteness and marginal location enhance the potential for devolution. This form of devolution is referred to as *
22. The boundaries of independent African states were drawn at the Berlin Conference and were essentially drawn *
23. One of the most powerful impacts of colonialism was the construction of global order characterized by great differences in *
24. The European state idea spread throughout the world through *
25. Which is an example of a stateless-nation? *
26. The geographic boundary of a state can also be a physical boundary, such as *
27. A country that contains any environmental zones, such as coasts, mountains, and deserts, is likely to have residents who are *
28. A nation-state is most often defined by its twin attributes of sovereignty and *
29. A political leader might seek to make his or her country conform to the traditional concept of a nation-state by *
30. Which of the following events has the most potential to determine whether a nation will remain a nation-state? *
31. Gerrymandering is a practice in which a political party attempts to gain an unequal advantage by *
32. When a sovereign state undergoes the political process of devolution, it grants some of the powers of *
33. Both domestic and international acts of terror are defined as terrorism because both *
34. The study of electoral geography is best conducted in *
35. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is one of the world’s most powerful *
36. One of the classic examples of supranationalism is the European Union (EU), because this body of member states has *
37. The United Nations has a policy of using economic and military sanctions to limit the sovereign powers of *
38. When an act of terrorism occurs within a democratic country, a common response by the national government is to *
39. How many countries are there in the European Union? *
40. The process of power shifting away from a central government to more regional governments is called: *
41. A people, race, or tribe; those having the same descent, language, and history *
42. Which currency is used by many countries in Europe? *
43. Which of the following is an example of a elongated state? *
44. Which of the following is an example of a compact state *
45. Countries accused of state-sponsored terrorism include all the following EXCEPT ________. *
46. The aspirations of many ethnic groups for self-determination has been realized by _________. *
47. The two most populous states that are NOT in the United Nations as of 2011 are _________. *
48. Which is true of the European Union? *
49. A landlocked state _________. *
50. The goal of this organization was to protect Eastern Europe from military invasion during the Cold War *
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