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Pacific Beach Woman's Club High Tea 
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025  2:00  to 4:30  pm
Venue:  Mt Soledad Club  5050 Soledad Rd, San Diego, CA 92109
Reservations Contact:  Cathy S.( 619) 971-7488

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Email *
RSVP Name and Phone Number *
Seating *
Captionless Image
Name(s)of People Attending *
1.Pricing: Early Bird $50 per ticket. $ 400 per table of 8. $500 for table of 10.
 After April 1st $60 per ticket. $480 per table of 8. $600 for a table of 10.

2. Add any special seating requests below:
E.g. Seat me at a specific hostess' table. Seat me next to..., I need wheelchair/walker access to my table. etc.

3.  IMPORTANT! At the end of this RSVP, (After Hitting Submit) you will get a confirmation page where you will be given a payment request link. 
4. If paying by check you can ignore the link and mail check made out to PBWC to: P.O. Box 9367 San Diego, CA. 92169.  Please write PBWC Tea in memo with your name if not noted on check.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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