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Weekly starting September 5th, 2021 to Jun.  2022, Sunday 4:30- 5:30pm MDT

This course serves as an introduction to Algebra by solving problems together. It covers arithmetic rules, linear equations, ratios and percent, proportion, graphing lines, inequalities and quadratic equations.


Students Requirement:
Grade 5 and above

Event Address:
ZOOM Meeting (Link will be sent before class)
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Student Email *
Parent Email *
School Name *
Grade that you will be attending in the 2021/22 year * *
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Province *
Please read carefully before signing the consent form below: Collected information from registration may be used for Bright Youth Journey's communication with the parents about academic competitions and class participation, and on social media. Bright Youth Journey (BYJ) may publish class recordings/Pictures/videos to social media. Kids’ names and faces may be exposed during Zoom recordings. I hereby give BYJ approval to publish video/picture taken of my child’s image and name during Zoom recordings/live camera for lawful non-commercial use for the sake of promotion of the organization and its associated activities. I acknowledge that from time to time BYJ tutors, associated parents, executives, volunteer personnel, third parties or the media, in each case as authorized by BYJ, may take photographs or videos of BYJ activities or parts thereof and that such photographs or videos may involve or include the participant in the photographs or videos. I hereby consent to the taking of any such photographs and/or videos that may include the participant as well as the use and display of such pictures/videos in a lawful manner, including but not limited to posting as the web content on the BYJ website, BYJ social medias, promoting on other social media websites, or printed posters in regard to the illustration or promotion of BYJ’s activities. I hereby release and discharge, indemnify and hold harmless BYJ and their members, executives, tutors, volunteers, associated parents and any other persons or entities acting on their behalf, and the successors and assigns for any and all of the aforementioned persons and entities, against all claims, demands, cost and expenses, and causes of action arising from my child’s participation in the class activities. Copyright © 2020 BrightYouthJourney * *
Confidentiality: This Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement is given to the BYJ in consideration of being a student of BYJ. students and parents acknowledge that as part of their class with BYJ, students and parents will be given access to information that is of a personal, confidential and/or proprietary nature, for example, other students name information related to BYJ classes/activities, donors, friends, staff, volunteer partners, teachers, and students, such as names,  giving information, email addresses, fund raised, academic information, and/or zoom access information/password, class notes, homework, videos, pictures and other personal and organization information (“Confidential Information”), for the purpose of fulfilling students obligations. Students therefore agree:1. To hold all confidential information in trust and strict confidence and agree that it shall be used only for the purposes required to taking BYJ classes, and shall not be used for any other purpose, or disclosed to any third party.  2. To keep any Confidential Information in my control or possession in a physically secure location to which only other persons who have signed a confidentiality agreement with BYJ have access.  3. students and parents agree to take all necessary steps to keep such Confidential Information secure and to protect such Confidential Information from unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure.  4. To maintain the absolute confidentiality of personal, confidential and proprietary information in recognition of the privacy and proprietary rights of others at all times, and in both professional and social situations.  5. To comply with all privacy laws and regulations, which apply to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.  6. At the conclusion of any discussions, or upon demand by BYJ, to return all confidential information, including notes, prototypes, code, written notes, photographs, videos, sketches, models, memoranda or notes taken, to BYJ’s possession and the responsible BYJ executives/manager/director.  7. To not disclose confidential, personal and/or proprietary information to any employee, consultant, other parents, other volunteers, students,parents, social media, or third party unless they agree to execute and be bound by the terms of this agreement and have been approved by BYJ in an official, legal capacity. (Check below means Parents/Students agree with such agreements.) *
Parent Name or Initial( by signing here, I agreed that my kid will take the classes provided by BYJ and will not sue BYJ for any matters related to the class, Also, I will follow the release/confidentiality agreement above.) *
Wechat ID name in group chat (For notification purpose) *
Please join online discussion forum for questions to teachers if your kid is over 13 ,or you can follow us as below
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