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Book a free Discovery Session to explore the possibility of personal coaching with Saniel Bonder and/or Linda Groves-Bonder

Dear Friend, 

Thank you for your interest in possible coaching by one or both of us, Saniel and Linda!

Please let us know a little about who you are and what you hope our coaching might provide for you. Kindly keep your statement brief. You’ll be able to fill us in more during your complimentary half-hour Discovery Session.

Rest assured that no one else but the two of us, Saniel and Linda, will see your response and that we will keep it strictly confidential.

We'll get back to you soon to schedule your Discovery Session. Again, thank you very much for your curiosity and interest.

Heart-blessings and warm regards,

Saniel & Linda

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Tell us about yourself and why youre possibly interested in our coaching help. Thank you!   
Briefly tell us whatever you’d like to about yourself — your age, partnership or family status, work/career history, previous spiritual and personal growth work, what you hope our coaching can help you with, and anything else that feels important to share. If you’d rather not respond about any of those areas of your life, that’s okay. You can also mention which one of us, or both, you’re interested in being coached by.
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