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IGA Gaelcon Community Gaming Group Ad
This form is to collect information from community gaming groups in Ireland so that they can be advertised in the Gaelcon 2024 Brochure being printed by the Irish Games Association (organisers of Gaelcon). Note that this is intended for non-profit, community-based, games groups for adults; please provide additional details if you do not fit this description. Commercial entities should instead email to get our advertising rates for the brochure.

Please only provide details of a gaming group if you are a group organiser as we will validate all submissions. We will try to publish all submissions in the brochure but due to space limitations we may have to edit the material. In particular images or logos cannot be guaranteed to be included. You do not need to be an attendee of Gaelcon to advertise your gaming group, but tickets are available on our website. The event is held on the 25th to 28th October in the Crown Plaza Airport Hotel (Santry).

The deadline for ad submission is Friday 27th September and this form will close then.

The contact information supplied will be used to clarify details of your ad and, if you agree, will be stored for a year to enable the IGA to contact you again. The IGA will not share your personal contact information with anyone.
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Name of the person filling the form (NOT for publication)
Contact details (email or discord) for the person filling the form  (NOT for publication) *
Name of the Gaming Group (for publication in brochure)
Location of the Gaming Group (for publication in brochure)
25-50 word Description of the Gaming Group (for publication in brochure) *
Webpage or other public place to get more information about the Gaming Group (for publication in brochure) *
Link to a logo or graphic file for the Gaming Group (for publication in brochure). This should be a high quality png or vector format such as svg. We cannot guarantee that logos or graphics will be used.
Do you consent to allow the IGA to publish the information you supplied (gaming group name, location, description, logo and webpage) for publication in the Gaelcon 2024 brochure? *
Additional information you want to provide to support this submission e.g. on how your group does not fit the typical " non-profit, community-based, open to all games groups for adults " (NOT for publication)
Do you consent to allow the IGA to occasionally contact you about gaming events in Ireland ?
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Do you consent to also allow the IGA to publish the brochure information you supplied  on their website to publicise your group?
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