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GPL Program Proposal Form
Please complete this form if you are interested in presenting a program at the Greenfield Public Library.  A member of our programming committee will respond to you as soon as possible.  

Proposed Program Dates                                      Proposal Submission Deadline
Winter (January 1 - March 22)                               December 1
Spring (March 23 - May 31)                                    February 1 
Summer (June 1 - August 31)                                April 1
Fall (September 1 - December 31)                        July 1

Conflicts of Interest

Library programs are not an opportunity to promote a business or service. The purpose of Library programs should be educational, not promotional. Presenters shall not actively promote their businesses during library programs. Brochures, flyers and business cards may be made available to attendees at an informational table but should not be included in presenter handouts.

Authors and performers may sell their books, CDs and DVDs at Library programs. The Library will not provide staff support for selling of materials.

A completed W-9 form is required unless you are offering to present for free. This, and any promotional materials can be emailed to once your proposal has been accepted.

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Email *
Name of Presenter 
Business Name (if different from above)
Phone number *
Title of Program *
Description of Program *
Target Audience (click all that apply) *
Type of Program *
If 'other', please describe 
Maximum audience size *
How long is this program? *
When do you want to present this program (date/day and time) *
What are your space/equipment needs for this program?
What is your fee for this performance?
Are you willing to have your program recorded and shown on Greenfield's local cable channel? *
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