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Share Your Cooking Challenges.
This questionnaire is designed to gather real-life experiences and struggles related to meal preparation and grocery shopping.
Your insights will help illuminate common challenges and possibly inspire solutions that make daily meals easier and more enjoyable.
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How often do you order delivery food or go out for lunch/dinner because you don't want to cook?
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How often do you find yourself with ingredients at home and don't know what to cook? *
When grocery shopping, do you buy exactly what you need for planned meals, or do you purchase available items and frozen food?
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How often do you waste food because you bought too much or didn't know how to incorporate it into your meals?
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Are you currently using any platforms or websites to find recipes? If yes, which ones?
What do you like and dislike about these existing recipe search systems?
How useful would an advanced feature be that allows you to plan your meals for the week based on available ingredients?
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Would you be willing to pay for a service that offers this and other advanced features?
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Which additional features would you like to see in a new recipe search service?
How often do you think you would use such a service?
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Want to keep in touch?

If you found this topic interesting and you’d like to hear more about what everyone thinks, drop your email here. I plan to share a summary of our findings and it’d be cool to see how we all stack up when it comes to tackling daily meals. No spam, just some friendly updates now and then. Sound good?

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