Complete items below to assist in determining trip price and itinerary.
Some items below will significantly affect trip costs.

Note:  Only items or requests specifically included in this Bid Request form will be included in the final bid.
Suggestion: Verify you have all significant input from other leaders regarding dates, sights, etc. involved in this trip before submitting a bid request.

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Group Name *
Name of School or Church
Group Type
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Contact Name *
Contact Phone *
Contact Email *
Date a Trip Bid is required
Help us help you by providing the date by which you need a Trip Bid. One week minimum required.
Expected # of Group Participants
Number of Adults
Number of Youth
Number of Children
Under 12 years old (1-11 years)
Trip Dates
Departure and Return dates; Specify both
Open to flexible dates if it reduces trip costs significantly?
At least a minimum $100 per pax decrease
Clear selection
If YES, how many days flex forward or backward are acceptable?
Ex. 2 days, 1 weeks, etc.
Trip Departure from what City?
Important if departing by air
Requested Tour Cities
Non-negotiable "must see" sites
Each tour city has multiple historic sites. Which ones are "must sees" for your group. Entrance fees, transportation, etc. for each of these sites will be incorporated into the Trip Bid.
Acceptable Mode of local transportation in Tour City
Select all that apply
Mode of Transportation
How will Group travel to Tour City?
Clear selection
Minimum Acceptable Rating of Group Hotel
Star ratings according to
Clear selection
Additional Hotel Security Required
Overnight hotel security guard hired specifically for your group
Clear selection
Group Meals Provided
Breakfast & Supper is standard. Variances due to tour schedule will be communicated in advance.
Clear selection
Requested # of Tour Conductor tickets
How many Non-Paying participants will accompany the group, ie. 1 teacher per 15 students ?
Adults per hotel room
Typically 2 per room
Youth per room
Typically 4 per room
Additional Requests
Add any information you feel would be helpful in the planning of your trip.
Desired goal of this trip:
What do you hope to accomplish or achieve in the lives of the participants?
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