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Workshop Access Subscription Application Form
We are delighted that you are interested our Workshop Access Subscription. We have limited capacity for this service to ensure that there is also access for our resident artists.

As a very popular and well-established studio space we generally run at full capacity so we operate a waiting list. We will be in touch when Workshop Access becomes available.

If you are really keen then we recommend that you follow us on Facebook as we often advertise there too -

We look forward to receiving your application!
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Full name *
Email address *
Home address *
Mobile number *
Website/Social Media *
Please tell us about yourself, your work and your process. *
Which facilities do you want access to? *
Do you know anyone currently at In Bristol Studios? *
What are your pronouns? *
If your require assistance to access studios or the building in general, please explain below so we can help in the best way possible *
Thank you for your application, one of our team will in be touch shortly.
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