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“செல்வம் சேர்க்க உதவும் சைக்காலஜி ” -   Webinar Registration Form
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Full Name *
Phone Number (with country code) *
Residential Status *
State/City of your residence *
Note for NRIs: Please mention both places of your residence, i.e. place of residence outside India and inside India.
Approximate Annual Income *
What are all the Financial Goals do you have for you and for your family? *
What are the major struggles you are facing in planning your investment? *
Is there any specific Question/Topic you would like to discuss after the webinar? *
Kindly mention your query here in detail. You can also ask other questions at the end of the webinar QnA session.
How did you know about the webinar? *
If you think your family members or friends would be interested in this webinar, please mention their details here.
Give us their name, email id and phone number. We will send the webinar invitation to them on your behalf.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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