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Reporting Voucher/Subsidy Discrimination - SF
Discrimination against tenants for using a voucher or subsidy to pay for housing is illegal. For issues in San Francisco, report it to the Human Rights Commission (HRC) and Legal Link by completing this form. 

Please fill out as much as you can - only a few questions are required.

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Your name (staff person completing this form): *
Your email address (staff person completing this form): *
Your organization (staff person completing this form): *
Does the tenant / client want to be involved in holding this landlord accountable (and possibly filing a claim)? If yes, please include tenant's name and phone number. The HRC will contact them directly to discuss the options.
Address of the rental property (where there was an issue of discrimination):
How did you find the property (which online listing, website, etc.)? Please include a link to the advertisement if possible.
What form of contact did you make with the property (phone, online platform, email, text, etc.)?
Date of exchange with the property (landlord / manager). If by phone, include the time and the number you dialed.
Landlord or property manager's name
Please provide a short description of who you communicated with and what was conveyed.
Can the Human Rights Commission (HRC) name your organization in a letter to this landlord? *
Do you have a screenshot or email showing the communication? If yes, please email it to *
If you are submitting an image or document, can the HRC share this with the landlord (after redacting personal identification)?
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