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I'm Interested in Joining TIFCA
This review process helps us determine which types of membership your organization would ultimately qualify for.  We do not share your information externally, and you are not placed on any mailing lists without prior approval.  We will contact you shortly afterwards.
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What is your full name? *
Which company or organization are you representing? *
What is your official title where you work? *
What is your company's URL? *
What does your company do? *
Which best describes the nature of your organization and how it is registered with government? *
Why are you interested in joining TIFCA?  What do you want to get out of it? *
How much investment, government subsidy, or financial resources outside of business revenue has your company accepted within the last five years? *
Which option best describes the revenue threshold of your company? *
Would you like to be contacted about upcoming TIFCA events and public meetings even if you are not a direct member of the organization?  Our mail-outs are infrequent. *
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This form was created inside of The International Future Computing Association.

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