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Internship search process
Your participation in this survey will help us better understand the internship search process in the UK. All responses will remain anonymous and confidential. Thank you for the taking the time to complete this survey.
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I am
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I am
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At which UK university do you or did you pursue your studies? 
Have you applied or are you looking to apply for an internship?
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What industry are you in or planning to go in? Pick all that apply.
To what extent do you think it is challenging to be recruited in your desired industry/role?
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Which platform(s) would you use or have you already used while searching for an internship?
Have you considered using recruitment agencies? If yes, please specify which one(s).
Have you ever been through an internship interview process?
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Do you feel prepared for an interview?
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If you have already completed or are currently completing an internship, how long was your application process? 
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Have you experienced any of the following during an internship application process? Pick all that apply.
What improvements (if any) would you like to see in the internship search process?
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