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Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR) Parent Survey For Transported Students
This is a survey for parents/guardians who have children using a school transportation vehicle to/from a Waterloo Region District School Board or Waterloo Catholic District School Board school in the Region of Waterloo.
The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to fill out.
We are collecting the data to be used to better our understanding of the type of service you are receiving and expecting to receive.
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What grade(s) are your child(ren) attending? (please check all that apply)
Which type of vehicle does you child(ren) ride?
How often does your child ride a school transportation vehicle?
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Does your child feel safe on their school transportation?
Is your driver professional and courteous
not courteous or unprofessional
very courteous and professional
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Are you aware of the safety programs/measures STSWR has in place? (please check all that you are familiar with)
Overall, how would you rate school transportation for your child(ren)?
Very Poor
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