Swansea Bay MVP Feedback Survey
This survey is designed to capture feedback on Swansea Bay Maternity Services, as well as suggestions of ways to improve the Swansea Bay Maternity Service provision.

**You may complete this survey more than once.**

Please refrain from including any names of specific patients, staff or colleagues or any other identifiable information.

The information you provide will be anonymous.
Y wybodaeth yo Mae'r arolwg hwn wedi'i gynllunio i gasglu adborth ar Wasanaethau Mamolaeth Bae Abertawe, yn ogystal ag awgrymiadau ar gyfer ffyrdd o wella darpariaeth Gwasanaeth Mamolaeth Bae Abertawe.

**Gallwch gwblhau'r arolwg hwn fwy nag unwaith.**

Peidiwch â chynnwys unrhyw enwau cleifion, staff neu gydweithwyr penodol nac unrhyw wybodaeth adnabyddadwy arall.

Bydd y wybodaeth a roddwch yn ddienw.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
If you are happy for us to add you to our mailing list, and recontact you should there be more surveys in this area, please provide your email address. / Os ydych yn fodlon i ni eich ychwanegu at ein rhestr bostio, ac ailgysylltu â chi pe bai mwy o arolygon yn y maes hwn, rhowch eich cyfeiriad e-bost.
What is your postcode? / Beth yw eich cod post? *
Question / Cwestiwn 1 *
2:  What age range are you in? /Ym mha ystod oedran ydych chi? *
3. Which of these would best describe your ethnicity? (Please choose from the options below, or choose your own words) / Pa un o'r rhain fyddai'n disgrifio'ch ethnigrwydd orau? (Dewiswch o'r opsiynau isod, neu dewiswch eich geiriau eich hun) *
4. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? / Ydych chi'n ystyried bod gennych anabledd? *
5: When does this feedback refer to? / At ba bryd y mae'r adborth hwn yn cyfeirio?
Tick as many seasons as required, to show the timeframe this feedback refers to / Ticiwch gynifer o dymhorau ag sydd angen, i ddangos yr amserlen y mae'r adborth hwn yn cyfeirio ati
Spring (Mar, Apr May)
Summer (Jun, Jul, Aug)
Autumn (Sept, Oct, Nov)
Winter (Dec, Jan, Feb)
6: How long did you use maternity services for? / Am ba mor hir wnaethoch chi ddefnyddio gwasanaethau mamolaeth? *
7:  What theme(s) does this feedback relate to? / Pa themâu y mae'r adborth hwn yn ymwneud â nhw? *
8a:  What went well? / Beth aeth yn dda? *
8b:  What did not go well? / Beth nad aeth yn dda? *
8c:  What could have been done differently to improve your experience? / Beth allai fod wedi ei wneud yn wahanol i wella eich profiad? *
9:  What matters most to you within maternity services? / Beth sydd bwysicaf i chi o fewn gwasanaethau mamolaeth? *
10: How do you prefer to receive maternity information? / Sut mae'n well gennych dderbyn gwybodaeth mamolaeth? *
11a: During the time this feedback relates to, did you feel like your voice was listened to, or did you feel like there was the facility for your voice to be listened to, if you'd had something to feedback? / Yn ystod yr amser y mae'r adborth hwn yn ymwneud ag ef, a oeddech chi'n teimlo bod rhywun wedi gwrando ar eich llais, neu a oeddech chi'n teimlo bod cyfleuster i wrando ar eich llais, pe bai gennych rywbeth i'w roi yn ôl? *
Please answer, and also explain why you felt like this. / Atebwch, ac esboniwch hefyd pam roeddech chi'n teimlo fel hyn.
Please explain your answer to 11a / Eglurwch eich ateb i 11a *
11b: Do you feel that you had enough information to make informed decisions? *
11c: Do you feel like you have a voice within maternity services now? / Ydych chi'n teimlo bod gennych chi lais o fewn gwasanaethau mamolaeth nawr? *
Please answer, and also explain why you feel like this. / Atebwch, ac esboniwch hefyd pam rydych chi'n teimlo fel hyn
Please explain your answer to 11c / Eglurwch eich ateb i 11c *
12a: Did your maternity service journey end with giving birth? / A ddaeth eich taith gwasanaeth mamolaeth i ben gyda rhoi genedigaeth? *
12b: If yes, HOW and WHERE was your baby born?
Spontaneous birth
Assisted birth: ventouse or forceps delivery
Planned Caesarean birth
Unplanned (Emergency) Caesarean birth
Unattended (freebirth)
Neath Port Talbot Birth Centre
Singleton Midwifery Unit (Bay Birth Centre)
Labour Ward (Singleton Ward 19)
Home birth
Feel free to add extra detail about your birth below (e.g. it started as a planned home birth, but I needed to transfer in for extra pain relief and had an unplanned c-section)
Have you given birth before? /. Ydych chi wedi rhoi genedigaeth o'r blaen?
Feel free to add month and year for any details
13: Is there anything else you'd like to feedback? / A oes unrhyw beth arall yr hoffech roi adborth?
14: Are you happy for us to share anonymously your comments as part of our work? / A ydych yn fodlon i ni rannu eich sylwadau yn ddienw fel rhan o’n gwaith? *
We would welcome feedback from Dads, Partners and Non-Birthing Parents who supported pregnancies in Swansea Bay. Please can you share the following survey link with them? Thank you / Byddem yn croesawu adborth gan Dadau, Partneriaid a Rhieni nad ydynt yn Geni a gefnogodd beichiogrwydd ym Mae Abertawe. A allwch chi rannu'r ddolen arolwg ganlynol gyda nhw? Diolch 
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