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West African Drumming @ Ecole de Djembe
Description: Package of 6 group classes or 2 full hours of one on one instruction on traditional djembe rhythms of West Africa at Ecole de Djembe, w/Anna Melnikoff, Bolokelen Malinke Percussion. Anna Melnikoff has taught the Mande Drum Ensemble and djembe instruction at York U since 2003, is really good at translating traditional djembe teachings into a format that any beginner can integrate.

Value $100
Starting Bid $25
Bidding increments: 10
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Ecole de Djembe
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Thank you for your bid. Highest bid updated each morning until Friday Aug 22cnd. Auction ends and final bidding is made in person Saturday Aug 23rd at our Fund Drive show featuring OHMHOUSE & HOLY OAK FAMILY SINGERS with a DJ set by Slim Twig in-between.
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