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Gingko Cat Original Painting Auction - CLOSED
Use this form to bid on the original Gingko Cat painting :) Please make sure to doublecheck your email address so I can contact you for updates if you get overbid or win. Current highest bid will be updated here:

Winning Bid: $75

Please scroll down for auction rules and be sure to read them through.
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Painting size A5 (14.8 x 21.0 cm / 5.8 x 8.3 inches)
Auction Rules:
Starting Bid: $50
Minimum increment: $5
Autobuy: $200
Auction end date: Friday November 15th, 6.30pm CET (Swedish time)

Please note that for tax reasons I cannot accept bids under £135 from UK bidders.

Shipping is included in the price :)
Payment via Paypal invoice.

Initial bids are to be made through this form, and updated bids can be made either through this form or in the email thread I will start with you to confirm bids.

I will do my best to respond to new bids and send out updates regarding regularly during my working hours (which vary a bit, but they are roughly from noon to 8PM CET. I live in Europe, so if you live in another part of the world please keep this time difference in mind. That doesn't mean you can't bid during that time though, you're more than welcome to!)

Winner will receive email confirmation of winning which must be responded to within 48 hours to provide a shipping address. After that I will send your invoice, which must be paid within 48 hours.

Thank you so much for your interest and happy bidding 💛💛💛

How much are you bidding? *
What is your email address, so I can contact you with updates, and invoice you should you win? (Please double check there are no errors.) *
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