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CFVI Scholarship Recipient Questionnaire
The Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands has been awarding scholarship since 1996! If you were a past scholarship recipient of CFVI, we want to hear from you. Complete the questionnaire below and we'll be happy to add you to our emailing list and feature your story as part of our community education program.
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Date *
Full name *
Current mailing address
Telephone Number
Email Address *
Are your currently enrolled in college? *
If yes, which college?
What is your major/minor and expected date of graduation?
If you have already graduated from college, which colleges have you attended?
What was your major/minor and what year did you graduate?
What are your plans after graduation? If you already graduated, what have you done since? *
Which year(s) did you receive a scholarship from CFVI? What scholarship did you receive? *
How did the scholarship help toward attaining your goals in college? *
Have you recommended fellow students to apply for CFVI scholarships? *
What can we do to improve the application process? *
Please describe your civic contribution and community service activities during your time in college and /or after leaving college. *
Can we use your name and quotes as part of our community education process? *
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