Female Mentor Application
Female Mentoring Program 2016
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Why are you interested in becoming a Mentor?
Are you available on Saturday's from 11am-1pm
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Are you willing to complete mentor training to prepare you to work with youth?
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How would you define, "Mentor"?
What special skills do you have such as: sewing, singing, play an instrutment, etc.?
Provide any background or experience you have working with youth between 8-18 years old?
Please provide at least 2 emergency contacts for yourself. Name of Person, relation to you and a Phone #
Are you currently employed and if yes, with whom?
Do you know any young ladies between 8-18 who would be good candidates for the program?
What is the best way to contact you?
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We are excited you are interested in the Mentoring Program, please join us on February 27th. at 11am for orientation.
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