Application for μWiP
Building an inclusive, engaging, and pluralistic community in the physics department at the University of Oregon is an important mission of UO Women in Physics. Mentorship for Undergraduate Women in Physics (μWiP) aims toward this goal by creating an opportunity for undergraduate students to form close, personal connections with graduate students and more senior undergraduates. In μWiP, each undergraduate mentee is paired with one mentor, with whom they will meet one-on-one a minimum of twice each term. These meetings will take place in local coffee or tea shops, and the cost of beverages will be covered by μWiP. The approximate minimum time commitment for each mentee is 1-2 hours per term.

Participation in μWiP is determined by an application process.  To apply, please fill out the form below.

Women and other gender minorities are highly encouraged to apply!

For more information on UO Women in Physics, see
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Name *
Email address *
Class or Year *
Intended Major(s) *
Gender with which you identify *
"Don't Know", "Prefer not to answer", "Female", "Male", etc., or Left Blank are accepted.
Do you identify as a member of any historically excluded, underserved, underrepresented, or otherwise marginalized communities (e.g. physical or mental disability, transgender, etc.)? *
"Don't Know", "Prefer not to answer", or Left Blank are accepted.
Describe your scientific interests (e.g. do you have an interest in a particular field of research?) *
Briefly describe how you hope to benefit from this mentoring program. *
If accepted into the mentoring program, do you have a gender preference for your mentor?  If so, please state this gender preference.
This question is used for mentor-mentee matching purposes only.
If accepted into the mentoring program, do you have a preference for the research area of your mentor?  If so, please describe.
E.g. astronomy, biophysics, optics, atomic physics, nanophysics, high-energy physics, etc.  This question is used for mentor-mentee matching purposes only.
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