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Comp Comm Skills 101 – Module 2 Homework

Note: We will review the aggregated results for this form in the next session.
Your confidential form submission will help provide insights on how class participants are learning and using these skills.
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Think back over the past week...

Which needs guesses did you make?
Did you state your needs
With whom?
Guess their needs (silently)
Guess their needs (out loud)
Guess my needs (silently)
State my needs (out loud)
Your manager (or someone more senior)
Direct report (or someone more junior)
Work collaborator (team member or other peer)
Relationship partner
Family member
How many needs guesses did you make this past week?

Estimate and choose "10" for 10 or more.
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Which do you feel most skilled at?
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Which do you feel least skilled at?
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Please share any comments or questions you have for us about the class and/or skills.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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