Corporate Social Responsibility in the Nigerian Banking Industry
In partial fulfilment of my postgraduate degree, I am undertaking a dissertation on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the Nigerian Banking Industry. I would be very grateful if you are able to take the time to complete the following questionnaire, it should take approximately 8-10 minutes to complete and as no personal or bank names are asked for,please be assured that all information gathered is treated with the utmost confidentiality.Kindly just fill in what you can and it will be a great help with my research. Thanks for your time.
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Which applies to you?I am a *
Have you ever heard of the word CSR as Corporate Social Responsibility? *
Which of the following best describes CSR to you?
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Which of the following practices will you not overlook among a bank's practices? *
Please tick top three.
The following are important issues under CSR within my bank:
Please rate using 5- Strongly agree 4-Agree 3-Don't know 2-Disagree 1- Strongly disagree
Corporate image
Philanthropy & Donations
Stakeholder management
Supply chain monitoring
Staff training & education on CSR issues
Employee welfare
Environmental concerns - Recycling
Impact on society
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How correct are the following statements?
I don't know but would like to
I don't really care
I am knowledgeable on CSR
I am aware of the CSR initiatives of my bank
CSR is becoming more prominent in recent years
My bank has always had a strong emphasis on CSR
Society is becoming more dependent on CSR banks
I want my bank to be proactive in CSR related issues
I know of other banks that are CSR compliant
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If your bank were to adopt or has adopted CSR practices, which of the following do you think should be the driver(s) for their approach?
(You can select more than one)
What do you believe to be the biggest obstacles to integrating CSR in Nigeria?
Please tick more than one if applicable
Do you have more than one bank holding your accounts?
If CSR practices were to greatly improve in Nigeria resulting in higher levels of public confidence, how likely are you to demand compliance from your bank(s) ?
Very likely
Can't be bothered
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How pleased are you with your bank regardless of CSR practices? *
Extremely pleased
Not at all pleased
If CSR is to be practised at an additional cost, who should shoulder this amount? *
As a Nigerian bank customer/employee,can CSR play a role in your bank selection choice?
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Where have you lived in the past 5 years? *
Sex *
Age group *
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