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Cardiology in time of COVID-19
The aim of this project is to evaluate how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the practice of cardiologists or cardiology residents/interns.
All questions have been anonymized in order to preserve confidentiality. Please help us to complete the sheet according to your daily practice. It will take you 5 minutes.

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Current country of residence, work/residency *
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Age range to which you belong
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Current Qualification *
Have you re-arranged your program of consultation during this pandemic?
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Before COVID-19 what was your average working time in hours per week ?
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During COVID-19 what is your average working time in hours per week ?
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Before COVID-19 how many patients did you consult per week?
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During the current COVID-19 pandemic how many patients do you consult per week
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How has the rate of performance of basic cardiovascular explorations ( ECG, Holter, Echocardiography, ABPM) changed during this pandemic?
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How has the frequency of use of invasive explorations and therapies(coronarography, ablations, pacing, electrophysiology) changed during this COVID-19 pandemic?
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What change have you observed in the turnover of inpatients at your cardiology unit?
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Was your service  been re-arranged for appropriate management of patients during this pandemic?
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Were the therapeutic protocols of your service been modified during this pandemic?
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What change have you noticed regarding the death rate at your service during the COVID-19 pandemic?
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What change is apparent concerning routine use of teleconsultation for your patients follow-up during this pandemic?
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In your cardiology department is there any plan for routine testing of cardiologists, cardiology residents/interns for COVID-19?
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Are there posters in your cardiology department on case management of COVID-19 cases and the use of Personal Protective Equipment ?
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How frequently are you receiving the Personal protective equipment from the administration of your hospital?
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Have you taken a course in COVID-19 case management?
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If no, does the fact you have little or no knowledge on the management of COVID-19 patients change your practice?
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Has the panic brought by this pandemic influenced your practice in the following ways?
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Has the death or illness of a cardiologist,  cardiology resident/intern, other health care provider, patient, friend, family relative due to COVID-19 in your hospital, country or another country influenced your practice?
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Has any cardiovascular complication of COVID-19 challenged you and/or influenced your practice?
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If any cardiovascular complication of COVID-19 has influenced your practice, what was it?
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Has the COVID-19 pandemic made you consider another career perspective other than cardiology?
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If yes, can you please briefly specify the reason?
Overall are you satisfied with your workload in cardiology during this pandemic
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Do you feel comfortable and satisfied with the management institution in your hospital or country for COVID-19 and its associated cardiovascular complications
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