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CHS Volleyball End of Season Athlete Survey 
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My Grade Level *
How have you enjoyed participating in this activity this season? *
My coach is fair to players *
My coach is good at teaching skills of the Activity *
My coach emphasizes good sportsmanship *
My coach emphasizes the importance of schoolwork. *
My coach is well-organized *
My coach expects players behave well and show respect to others. *
Practices are well organized and uses time well. *
My coach communicates clearly and keeps us informed *
Bullying is a problem in this activity. *
The coach supervises responsibly in practice and on travel trips.  *
The coach talks about the importance of health diet and exercise.
What qualities do you value in a coach?
What could be done to improve this program?
(type your responses in the box below.)
Do you plan to participate in this program in future years.
(in the box below, type "Yes" or "No" and explain your response.
What Activities do you plan on participating in next year?
(type your responses in the box below.)
Are there any changes in the Activities Handbook that you would like to see? If yes, please explain.
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