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StormBreaker Venture Application Form
Welcome to the application form of Thailand Edtech Accelerator!

We are excited to launch the education accelerator to find the most innovative future EdTech Unicorn Startup from Thailand ( You!). The accelerator will be on September - October, 2018 and the application will be opened until August 24, 2018 midnight!

You will get 500,000 - 1,500,000 THB funding together with series A runway. And you will be coached and mentored closely by top mentor, entrepreneur and top startup leaders of Thailand. You should expect a lot of media coverage too! And you know what? it is all "FREE" to participate. This is a chance you cannot afford to miss!

You can be both existing EdTech startup founders or EdTech Social Enterprise founder. You must have "working product" and "Programmer" in your team.

Since we expect lots of applications, so we would like to know more about you to ensure you are committed to the EdTech Accelerator and you are really passionate about education and make an impact to Thailand. If that is you, we hope to see you in StormBreaker EdTech Accelerator!
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Email *
1. Kickass Team - with both business, tech/dev, and education experts.
2. Functioning Prototypes - preferably with some traction in the market.
3. Tackling huge, burning education problems in Thailand with potential to scale across SEA.
4. Deep passion and/or expertise in Education and ready to roll up their sleeves with full long term commitment.
Product Name *
Name - Surname of Main Contact *
Profession *
Age *
Telephone No. *
Line id *
All Team Members *
Detail of your team member (Name, Age, Profession, Email, Phone no.) *
Detail of your Product/Service *
Link of Your Pitch Deck *
Website or Social Media of Your Product *
Areas you are interested in
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ประกาศผลทีมที่ได้รับเลือกเข้าร่วม Edtech Accelerator วันที่ 31 สิงหาคม 2018, เวลา 18:00 น. หน้า Page Facebook:
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