===== 2013 MDA EDUCATOR CONFERENCE  =====             ========== REGISTRATION FORM ===========
The Twenty-ninth Annual METCO Directors’ Association Conference will be held at the Four Points by Sheraton Norwood in Norwood, Massachusetts.

Friday, December 6, 2013
Registration Deadline: November 8, 2013

Please complete a separate form for each registrant. The conference registration fee is one hundred and ninety-five ($195.00) dollars. This fee is non-refundable and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment must be by check, money order or approved, signed purchase order. Checks and purchase orders must be made payable to METCO Directors' Association. We do not accept online payments.

Your registration will be confirmed once your check, money order, or copy of an approved, signed purchase order has been received by the conference registrar at the address shown below.  In order to secure your registration, payment must be received on or before the November 8, 2013 deadline.  Registration confirmations will be mailed by November 18, 2013.

Full day participation in the conference earns Six (6) Professional Development Points (PDP’s).  A PDP certificate verifying the hours will be distributed at the conclusion of the afternoon workshop.

MDA Conference Registrar
100 Walnut Street—Room 301
Newtonville, MA 02460
617-559-6136 (Phone)
617-559-6133 (Fax)

Registration Deadline - November 8, 2013
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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School District or Institutional Affiliation *
Street Address *
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Email Address *
Daytime Phone *
Evening Phone *
Full description of all workshops can be found at http://www.mda-ma.org/mda_conference.html
Workshops will be offered in the morning and repeated in the afternoon unless stated otherwise.

You may attend two (2) workshops — one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

If your workshop preferences are not indicated, or if the requested workshops are full, alternate selections will be made for you.

Workshop Titles:

A. Let's Talk About Closing the Achievement Gap  ---- AM Only ---- Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents Only

B. The Achievement Gap in “Living Color”  ---- PM Only ---- Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents Only

C. Strategies and Materials for Meeting the Social Studies Objectives of the Common Core While Addressing the Racial Achievement Gap

D. We Can’t Read: The Real Reason Behind African-American Underachievement

E. Leading Common Core Implementation: Whose Responsibility Is It?

F. Teaching the Common Core Standards to Young Men of Color

G. Unpacking Common Core Learning Standards for Students of Color

H. Using Pre-teaching to Help African American and Latinos Access the Common Core Standards ---- AM Only ----

I. The African American and Latino Scholars’ Calculus Project: Voices of High Academic Achievement in Mathematics  ---- PM Only ----

J. Narrowing Achievement Gaps Through the Common Core:  A Principal's Perspective

K. Choosing to be Smart and Cool:  Using the Peer Group to Provide Academic Acceleration for Students of Color
Workshop Selection
Please indicate your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th workshop choices, in order of preference.
Clear selection
Luncheon Preference   *
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