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Seller Questionnaire
Email *
To begin, we need some basic information about you and your property...
Legal Name of Seller(s): *
What is your full property address? *
Phone number(s) *
Email addresses: *
What is your birthday? (Year optional) *
What kind of sale is this? *
Was there anyone who referred you to our team? Let us know so we can thank them! *
How did you hear about us? *
Is there anyone else on the deed or mortgage? *
Are you currently living at the property?
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What is your mailing address? (if different from listing address) *
For what reason(s) are you considering selling this property?
When are you hoping to list this property?
Please take a moment to describe the property...
What is the square footage of your property (or can you give an estimate)?
How many bedrooms does your property have?
How many bathrooms does your property have? Please make sure to differentiate between full and partial baths.
Does your property have central air conditioning?
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What kind of parking does your property have? You may select multiple answers.
Can you describe the age of your utilities (HVAC, hot water heater, electric and/or roof to the best of your knowledge)?
Does your property include any other special features or upgrades?
Is your property a condo or part of an HOA? *
If yes, what what is the recurring Condo/HOA fee for your home? What is the frequency of this fee and what does it cover?
Have you previously listed the property? If so, what do you feel may have kept it from selling in the past?
What made you buy this house? OR, What do you love about your home?
What is your view of the value of your property? (how much would you like to list it for) *
Are you planning on purchasing another property? If so, how much would you like to put down?
Do you have a mortgage on this property? *
How much do you owe on the property? Does this include all mortgages, second mortgages, and lines of credit?
What are your expectations for the agent you choose to help you sell this property?
Do you have any questions or concerns that you'd like us to address during our listing consultation appointment?
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