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Satuit Boat Club New Member Application Form
The application for membership must include two sponsors that are SBC Regular or Life members currently in good standing. SBC sponsors should send these letters or emails to the secretary.
Sponsorship letters will include:
- How many years the Sponsor has known the applicant.
- How the Sponsor knows the Applicant (business, socially, etc.)
- Why the Applicant would be a good addition to the Satuit Boat Club.
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Email *
Applicant Name
New Member Application or Returning Member?
Please enter the product number
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Applicant Primary Home/Mailing Address
Summer Address (if applicable)
Cell Phone
Home phone number *
Preferred contact method - cell or home phone
Family of Applicant - please list co-applicants (significant others) and all minor children of applicants
Please indicate activities in which you, Co-Applicant or children would be interested in
Boat Name
Power or Sail
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Other Vessels - description
We are a club which depends on members volunteering time for support, maintenance and management of the club. Please describe how you have volunteered in the past and in what capacity. Also include, if elected as a Member how you might be able to contribute to the club.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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