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《途中.花蓮》打工換宿 / Work Exchange in On My Way Hualien Hostel

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名字 / Your name *
換宿類別 Work Type *
性別 / Gender *
年齡 / Your age *
來自何方 / Where are you from? *
個人簡介 / Self introduction *
Email *
電話 / mobile phone *
社群通訊軟體 /  social media like Facebook or Instagram
預計申請日期 / When will you stay with us? *
( 範例: 2023.02.10報到. ~ 2023.02.28退房  Example:  2023.02.10 check in~  2023.02.28 check out  )
我們非選您不可的理由? / Any reason that we must accept your  application? *
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