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Longbenton High School Sixth Form          Application Form - September 2025 Admissions
Thank you for your interest in our Sixth Form.
Please complete this form to apply to enter our Sixth Form in Year 12 in September 2025. Refer to the timeline for applications in our prospectus. 
We will process applications up to the deadline of 7th February 2025 and will begin contacting applicants after this date to arrange 1:1 guidance discussions. 
You can email us in the meantime at 
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Student first name *
Student surname *
Student email address *
Parent name *
Parent email address *
Date of birth of student *
Gender pronoun preference of student *
Please select the THREE courses that you would like to study in Sixth Form. Please note that a course may not run if there are insufficient numbers applying to study that course. *
Please select TWO additional courses as reserve choices. Also choose TWO if you are interested in studying four A Levels (eg Maths AND Further Maths) to show a fourth choice and a reserve choice. *
Student Personal Statement:  Please give details of why you are suitable for Longbenton High Sixth Form, why you have chosen your specific subjects, and any other personal interests or strengths.
Student submission *
I have discussed this with a parent/carer and they are aware of my application. *
Date of application *
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