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Agency 2023 Questionnaire Form 
Summer Games 2023 Participating Agency Questionnaire Form
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Have you ever participated in the Street Olympics 
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Agency Name *
Agency Contact Name *
Agency Address *
Agency Contact Email *
Agency Contact Phone Number *
Are you interested in attending the Agency Luncheon on April 17, 2023. 

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Are you interested in having interns come out to your site to work with the participants? 
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Do you plan on attending the Final Event on August 4, 2023? 
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Ages Served (check all that apply) *
How many children are you planning to serve this summer? *
How many children do you plan on enrolling in the Summer Games activities? *
What day(s) would you like Summer Games to deliver services? *
What would be your preferred time for Summer Games to deliver services? *
Are you interested in participating in the 3 on 3 Tournament and if so, what Divisions. 
Street Olympics Summer Games Video 
Please list any additional questions you have for the staff.
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