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ESN Utrecht Board Application Form
Hi there!

Great that you are applying for the board of ESN Utrecht! This form will help you through the application by answering a couple of questions.

Each year, 6 Board members take care of the general organisation of our association and make sure everything goes right when planning events and organising activities, among others. You can do a Board year part-time next to your studies or next to your job - and you should expect to be working anything between 12-20 hours per week on your Board tasks. That might sound like a lot for some of you - but there's lots of benefits that you can gain from doing a Board year for ESN Utrecht as you'll develop valuable personal and professional skills. The following Board positions are still open
  • Secretary: internal and external communication.
  • Integration Coordinator: cultural and social inclusion aspects of the organisation.
If you want to know more about our organisation, make sure to visit the website ( or get in touch with us via email (

We are looking forward to meeting you!
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What is your first name?
What is your last name?
What is your email address?
Tell us a little bit about yourself (maximum 250 words).
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