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RSVP for Prince George’s County Annual COMMUNITY GARDEN SUMMIT
Saturday, October 12, 9:30 AM to Noon
Beltsville Community Center, 3900 Sellman Road, Beltsville, MD

RSVP by October 9. Please see full program details below. Contact: the Office of Food Security at
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How long have you been gardening?
Are you a member of a community garden? If so, which one and where is it located? Please share garden contact info.
If you are not a community garden member, are you interested in starting one? If so, where?
Which topic(s) are you interested in learning about at future events?
If you answered other above, are there specific topics you would like addressed in the future?  Please share your ideas and challenges below.
Do you require any special accommodations to attend this event? If so, please tell us what we can do to facilitate your full participation.
What is your garden or company website?
 Do you want to be added to our community garden Google group?
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Growing and Gardening for Community

Stacey Evers is the co-founder and chair of Hands on Harvests (HOH), a Fairfax County nonprofit dedicated to boosting access to fresh produce and reducing food waste. In 2023, their Grow a Row gardeners delivered nearly 12,000 pounds of backyard produce, fruits and herbs to local food banks and pantries. HOH also establishes and manages community gardens in food-insecure neighborhoods in Northern Virginia and runs a demonstration learning garden in Annandale.

Community Gardening’s Ups and Downs

Esther Mitchell moderates a discussion of your community garden’s new ideas, challenges, and successes. Mitchell is Horticulture and Master Gardener Coordinator, University of Maryland Extension and Prince George’s County Department of the Environment.

The University of Maryland’s Sustainable Food System

Shurrell Hester, AmeriCorps VISTA for UMD Dining Services, discusses the University of Maryland’s award-winning commitment to sustainability. UMD's sustainable food efforts span across the food system from farm to fork to compost: they operate the farmers market, campus pantry, Terp Farm, and partner with sustainable producers.

Your 10 Second Tips & Community Garden Mini Grant Program

What are your best hints and tips for Seed Saving 101 and Extending the Season? Write your quick tips on an index card and drop them in the container at the back of the room. Milan Brown, Planner, Department of the Environment will share them with everyone. Then learn about the Prince George’s Community Gardens Mini Grant Program that supports new community gardens and expanding existing gardens that use regenerative practices consistent with the Prince George’s County Climate Action Plan.

What and When to Grow: Fall and Winter Gardening

George Vandenberghe discusses the many vegetables suitable for fall, winter, and spring gardening. He will talk about when to start fall vegetables and flowers and which winter vegetables to plant after Thanksgiving into early December. Additionally, he will discuss which plants are best started by direct seeding and which are best planted from seedlings. Learn more about this strategy to extend the growing season at both ends, use our winter conditions to grow vegetables, and adapt to climate change’s impacts. Mr. Vandenberghe  is a winter-garden expert with years of experience successfully growing, harvesting, and overwintering, including citrus in College Park MD.

Light breakfast fare will be provided.

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