Request edit access
(To be agreed to by participants and parents/legal guardians)

As a requirement prior to participating in indoor and/or outdoor activities at  Steelyard Sports, 538 Swedeland Road, King of Prussia, PA, during the Green Phase (“Green”) of Governor Wolf’s detailed plan for reopening Pennsylvania, I specifically acknowledge as a precondition to participation that:

* I will not attend the event if I am feeling sick, have a body temperature of 99 degrees or higher, and/or if I have had recent contact (14 days) with a person with COVID-19.

* I will not attend the event if I am showing symptoms of or have tested positive for COVID-19

* I will abide by any “check-in” procedures required by Steelyard Sports before participating in the event. These procedures are intended for the health and safety of the Steelyard employees and all clients/persons at our facility.

* I will not share my equipment with others (except any ball that is being used during the event).

* I will use hand sanitizer or wash my hands, if asked.

* I will strive to maintain social distancing (six feet apart) during the event in which I am participating and will comply with any and all requests by Steelyard staff, my coaches, trainers or counsellors to maintain these distancing requests.
I am aware that each rental area at Steelyard has reduced capacity limitations during the “Green” Phase. I agree to abide by these capacity limitations.

These specific Acknowledgments do not specifically limit my obligation to abide by any other rules in place at Steelyard Sports.

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E-signature of Parent or Guardian *
Name of Parent or Guardian *
Email address *
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