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Workforce Development Registration
Welcome to the Production Education and Technical Training  Workshop registration.  We are glad that you're here.  The Music Education Initiative is pleased to offer this much needed program to NWA.  Our desire is to provide a larger qualified workforce to support live music and entertainment venues and events.
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Information for Participants
Please wear a mask per CDC Covid protocols
Dress in comfortable attire.
Wear closed toe shoes - no sandals
Long pants are suggested. Jeans are allowed
The workshop is open to junior and senior high school, college students and those age 16 and older interested in other career opportunities.
Name (first, last) *
City *
Age *
Must be age 16 or older to register for the workshop.
Which production workshop will you attend? *
Do you have production experience? *
I am legally able to work in the state of Arkansas. *
I agree to allow The Music Education Initiative to share my information for potential production work opportunities . *
How did you hear about the workforce program? *
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